By Mory Keita
Am blind, deaf or dead? O sweet love.
Dost thou exist in pure hearts? O wistful thinking.
Will thou ever shine ere my end? O heart-breaker.
Shall I pierce my soul with this blade? O quixotic madness.
Shall I run from thee forever? O courier of pain.
Gallantry and flattery speak not for me:
Ages crumble from the ancient ruin of time,
And passion vanishes into oblivion.
Now, I thy loyal servant, who traversed the desert,
Defied mother nature’s will to come to thou,
Stand proudly before thou to declare my love:
Gentle lords and ladies of sacred Olympus,
Here is my sunbeam, commander of my desires, my love.
Behold! How her grins are enchanting,
Beware! They're more fatal than the kisses of Medusa.
Love! What a strange word are thou?
I wish I had never known or heard of thou.
But alas mortals’ hearts are vulnerable to emotions.
Tho’ I breathe, breathing is but unsustainable pain,
And tho' I eat, feeding is but mere distraction from pain.
O harsh, heartless pain, is thou name love?
Or is thou synonym of affection?
My heart bleeds, my soul morns my lost.
A bleeding heart is but eternal damnation.
Thus, Dammed be love and its vain emotions.
Interesting piece, Mory. I love to read poetry during my off-time or when I find the chance.
Your poems are definitely different and unique from the rest of the modern poetry I've read. Your poetry goes back to the roots of poetry, which is enjoyable, so write on!
Wonderful piece - I love the style, I enjoy writing in this style also, so many have gotten away from it...but it is so beautiful...bkm
Thank you both for your appreciation. your comments are truly encouraging.
"A bleeding heart is but eternal damnation."
"Thus, Dammed be love and its vain emotions."
You must be in love, dear Mory, from the sound of it...
The poem is well crafted, in fact its extraordinary for someone who is mere 16 years of age,
well Leviathan, i am... well kind of. or should i say, i used to be.
Thank you for your feedback,
@Mory: Oh ok.. actually it said 16 on your profile page... np :)
well i am 16
i was talking about being in love. i used to be kind of.. in love.
@Oh sorry, never mind. I just came back from Wetlands actually, comprehension is suffering big time....
Well, love is a dangerous thing, I can tell u that much, more often than not, ends up with a raven knocking on our window at the wee hours of the night...
I love the classicism you have portrayed here in this piece. Very nice. I am a huge fan of classic poetry, a lost art today. Love is many things to many people, expressed and experienced on variant levels; tainting soul in its indulgent pursuit.
Hi Mory .. good to meet you .. and your poetry certainly rings a different tune to most poems .. it is really interesting.
Good to know a little about you - talented .. maths seems to go well with music and literature .. the rhythms seem to fit ..
Any way enjoy the rest of the summer .. and good luck with the studies et al .. enjoy - Hilary
Very nicely written brother...
Thank you very much for your generous comment and your appreciation for poetry. they are really encouraging. i hope to read more of your poetry and writings too.
Great poem. I really enjoyed reading it.
Have you ever loved anyone?!
Its a beautiful poem dude, liked it :)
Tanvi, yes i did. thank you both for your feedbacks.
Love can be so painful....this is truly a beautiful poem. Great writing Mory! :-)
I have read this poem over several times. I feel there is a Shakespearean 'voice' to it!
Mory, your words are excellent!
Best wishes, Eileen
Mory, love can indeed be painful sometime. I agree about the Shakespearean voice. Your writing is wise beyond your years.
I agree with Eileen on the Shakespearean quality. Great poem and love is very much painful, at least that is my experience.
I also admire your classical style and voice. Like one of the old masters, or the Bard himself. Great work, Mory!
Love is never an easy ideal, but in the end there is some balance to it. Great post!
Wise and wonderful :D This is beautiful, Mory ^^
Has a great classical feel to it.
thank you for your gracious comments. i really appreciate them. i did not notice that Shakespearean tone in this poem till you pointed it out.
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